Machine-Learning Mid Term


머신러닝 수업 예상 문제 및 풀이


  • Find the dimensions of the box with largest volume if the total surface area is $64\text{cm}^2$.
\[\mathcal{L}=f(x,y,z)+\lambda(32-xy-yz-xz)\] \[\mathcal{L}=xyz+\lambda(32-xy-yz-xz)\] \[\mathcal{L}_x=yz+\lambda(-y-z)=0\] \[\mathcal{L}_y=xz+\lambda(-x-z)=0\] \[\mathcal{L}_z=xy+\lambda(-x-y)=0\] \[\mathcal{L}_\lambda=32-xy-xz-yz=0\]

$x>0, y>0, z>0$ So

\[{xz\over x+z}={yz\over y+z}\] \[{x\over x+z}={y\over y+z}\] \[xy+xz=xy+yz\] \[x=y=z\] \[x^2={32\over3}\] \[f(x,y,z)=x^3={128\sqrt{2}\over3\sqrt{3}}\]
  • Find the maximum and minimum of $f(x,y)=5x-3y$ subject to the constraint $x^2+y^2=136$
\[\mathcal{L}=5x-3y+\lambda\cdot(136-x^2-y^2)\] \[\mathcal{L}_x=5-2 \lambda\cdot x=0\] \[x={5\over2\lambda}, \because \lambda \neq 0\] \[\mathcal{L}_y=-3-2\lambda\cdot y=0\] \[y=-{3\over2\lambda} \because \lambda \neq 0\] \[\mathcal{L}_\lambda=136-x^2-y^2=136-{34 \over 4\lambda^2}=0\] \[\lambda=\pm{1\over4}\] \[\lambda={1\over4}, f(x,y)=68\] \[\lambda=-{1\over4}, f(x,y)=-68\]
  • Find the maximum and minimum values of $f(x,y,z)=xyz$ subject to the constraint $x+y+z=1$. Assume that $x,y,z\geq0$.
\[\mathcal{L}=xyz+\lambda\cdot(1-x-y-z)\] \[\mathcal{L}_x=yz-\lambda=0\] \[\mathcal{L}_y=xz-\lambda=0\] \[\mathcal{L}_z=xy-\lambda=0\] \[\mathcal{L}_\lambda=1-x-y-z=0\]

if $x>0, y>0, z>0$

\[x=y=z={1\over3},f(x,y,z)={1\over27}\] \[x=1,y=0,z=0,f(x,y,z)=0\]
  • Find the maximum and minimum values of $f(x,y)=4x^2+10y^2$ on the disk $x^2+y^2 \leq 4$.
\[\mathcal{L}=4x^2+10y^2+\lambda\cdot(4-x^2-y^2)\] \[\mathcal{L}_x=8x-2\lambda x=0\] \[2x(4-\lambda)=0,x=0 \text{ or } \lambda=4\] \[\mathcal{L}_y=20y-2\lambda y=0\] \[2y(10-\lambda)=0,y=0 \text{ or } \lambda=10\] \[\mathcal{L}_\lambda=4-x^2-y^2=0\]

if $x=0 \text{ and } y=0$, $f(0,0)=0$.

else if $x=0 \text{ and } \lambda=4$, $y=0$, $f(x,y)=0$

else if $x=0 \text{ and } \lambda=10, -2\leq y \leq 2$, $f(x,y)=40$

else if $y=0 \text{ and } \lambda=4, -2\leq x \leq 2$, $f(x,y)=16$

  • Find the maximum and minimum of $f(x,y,z)=4y-2z$ subject to the constraints $2x-y-z=2$ and $x^2+y^2=1$
  • Write pros and cons of Ridge and LASSO Regression.

Ridge - Analytic, theoretical gurantees, simple / limited interpretability, not reflect the nature of certain problems.

LASSO - Proven, Echoes particularly well / No closed-form solution.

  • Write three regularization techniques you know and explain it. (ex. Weight Decay)

Weight Decay: Penalizes large weights, improves generalization.

Early Stopping.

Bagging: uses k different datasets.

Dropout: disable a random set of neurons

  • What is Dropout?

Using half the network, consider it as two models in one.

  • What is Batch Normalization?

BN normalizes the mean and variance of the inputs to your activation functions.

\[y^{(k)}=\gamma^{(k)} x^{(k)} + \beta^{(k)}\]
  • Differences of Linear regression and Kernel method.

Linear regression - Pick a global model.

Kernel method - Pick a local model.

  • In RBF Kernel, What happens when RBF kernel has Large $\sigma$ or small $\sigma$?

Large $\sigma \rightarrow$ over smoothing

  • Why SVM uses signed distance instead of unsigned distance?

For misclassification.

  • Explain about two tricks in SVM!

Scaling and Max-to-min optimization

  • Find hyperplane function $h(x)$ and margin. There are four points and labels.

$x_1=\begin{bmatrix}0 \ 0\end{bmatrix}, x_2=\begin{bmatrix}2 \ 2\end{bmatrix}, x_3=\begin{bmatrix}2 \ 0\end{bmatrix}, x_4=\begin{bmatrix}3 \ 0\end{bmatrix}$

$y_1=-1,y_2=-1,y_3=+1, y_4=+1$

Solve :

\[y_j(w^\top x_j + w_0) \geq 1\]

(1) $-w_0 \geq 1$

(2) $-(2w_1 + 2w_2 + w_0) \geq 1$

(3) $(2w_1+w_0) \geq 1$

(4) $(3w_1 + w_0) \geq 1$

\[w_0 \leq -1\] \[w_1 \geq 1\] \[w_2 \leq -1\] \[{1\over2}\|w\|^2={1\over2}(w^2_1+w^2_2) \geq 1\] \[w_1=1,w_2=-1,w_0=-1\] \[h(x)=\text{sign}(x_1-x_2-1)\]


\[{1 \over \|w\|_2} = {1 \over \sqrt2}\]
  • Explain about Karush-Kahn-Tucker Conditions

Stationarity, Primal Feasibility, Dual Feasibility, Complementary Slackness

  • SVM Problem : $\text{minimize}_{u_1, u_2} u^2_1+u^2_2$, subject to $\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 \ 1 & 0 \ 0 & 1 \ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} u_1 \ u_2 \end{bmatrix} \geq \begin{bmatrix} 2 \ 0 \ 0 \ \end{bmatrix}$

  • If $C$ is big, then enforce $\xi$ to be small or big?


  • Radial Basis Function takes the form of

$K(u,v)=\exp{-\gamma |u-v|^2_2}$,

What happens if $\gamma$ is too big?

  • Write down the cross-entropy loss and explain why not use L2 loss.

  • Average Pooling vs Max Pooling

  • Explain SGD.

  • Write down the delta rule term.

  • Explain RNN and LSTM and Conv LSTM and GRU.

  • AlexNet

  • ZFNet

  • VGGNet

  • GoogleNet

  • ResNet

  • DenseNet

  • Depth-wise Seperable Convolution

  • EfficientNet v1

  • Compound Scaling

  • EfficientNet-v2

  • Overfitting and Underfitting

  • Random Initialization