(Week2) Regularization


머신러닝 수업 2주차


Ridge Regularization

  • Applies to both over and under determined systems.
  • The loss function of the ridge regression is defined as the loss function
\[J(\theta)=\| A\theta-\bf{y} \|^2 + \lambda\|\theta\|^2\]
  • $|\theta|^2$ : Regularization function
  • $\lambda$ : Regularization parameter
  • The solution of the ridge regression is
\[\nabla_\theta J(\theta)=\nabla_\theta \{ \| A\theta-{\bf{y}} \|^2 + \lambda\|\theta\|^2 \}=2A^{\top}(A\theta-y)+2\lambda\theta=0\] \[2A^{\top}A\theta-2A^{\top}{\bf{y}}+2\lambda\theta=0\] \[(A^{\top}A+\lambda I)\theta=A^\top {\bf{y}}\]

which gives us $\hat{\theta}=(A^{\top}A+\lambda I)^{-1}A^{\top}{\bf{y}}$

Change in Eigen-values

Ridge regression improves the eigen-Values

  • Eigen-decomposition of $A^{\top}A$:

where $U=$ eigen-value matrix, $S=$ eigen-value matrix.

  • $S$ is a diagonal matrix with non-negative entries:

  • Therefore, $S+\lambda I$ is always positive for any $\lambda > 0$, implying that

\[A^{\top}A+\lambda I=U(S+\lambda I)U^\top > 0\]
  • If $\lambda \rightarrow 0$, then $\hat{\theta}=(A^{\top}A)^{-1}A^{\top}{\bf{y}}$
\[J(\theta)=\| A\theta-\bf{y} \|^2\]
  • If $\lambda \rightarrow \infty$,
\[J(\theta)=\lambda \| \theta \|^2\]
  • There is a trade-off curve between the two terms by varying $\lambda$.

Comparing Vanilla and Ridge

Suppose ${\bf{y}}=A\theta^* + {\bf{e}}$ for some ground truth $\theta^*$ and noise vector ${\bf{e}}$. Then, the vanilla linear regression will give us

\[\hat{\theta}=(A^\top A)^{-1}A^\top {\bf{y}}\] \[=(A^\top A)^{-1}A^\top (A\theta^*+{\bf{e}})\] \[=\theta^*+(A^\top A)^{-1}A^{\top}{\bf{e}}\]

If ${\bf{e}}$ has zero mean and varianze $\sigma^2$, we can show that

\[\mathbb{E}[\hat{\theta}]=\theta^*\] \[\text{Cov}[\hat{\theta}]=\sigma^2(A^\top A)^{-1}\]

Therefore, the regression coefficients are unbiased but have large variance. We can further show that the mean-squred error(MSE) is

\[\text{MSE}(\hat{\theta})=\sigma^2\text{Tr}\{ (A^\top A)^{-1} \}.\]

On the other hand, if we use ridge regression, then

\[\hat{\theta}(\lambda)=(A^\top A + \lambda I)^{-1}A^\top (A\theta^*+{\bf{e}})\] \[=(A^\top A + \lambda I)^{-1}A^{\top}A\theta^*+(A^\top A + \lambda I)^{-1}A^\top{\bf{e}}\]

Again, if ${\bf{e}}$ is zero mean and has a variance $\sigma^2$, then

\[\mathbb{E}[\hat{\theta}(\lambda)]=(A^\top A+\lambda I )^{-1}A^\top \theta^*\] \[\text{Cov}[\hat{\theta}(\lambda)]=\sigma^2(A^\top A + \lambda I)^{-1}A^\top A(A^\top A+\lambda I)^{-\top}\] \[\text{MSE}[\hat{\theta}(\lambda)]=\sigma^2\text{Tr}\{ W_\lambda(A^\top A)^{-1}W^\top_\lambda \}+\theta^{*\top}(W_\lambda - I)^\top(W_\lambda -I)\theta^*\]

where $W_\lambda=(A^\top A + \lambda I)^{-1}A^\top A$. In particular, we show that

Theorem(Theobald 1974)

For $\lambda < 2\sigma^2|\theta^*|^{-2}$, it holds that $\text{MSE}(\hat{\theta}(\lambda)) < \text{MSE}(\hat{\theta})$

Choosing $\lambda$

Because the following three problems are equivalent


subject to $|\theta|^2\leq\alpha$


subject to $|A\theta-{\bf{y}}|^2 \leq \epsilon$

We can seek $\lambda$ that satisfies $|\theta|^2 \leq \alpha$ :

  • You know how much $|\theta|^2$ would be appropriate.

We can seek $\lambda$ that satisfies $|A\theta -{\bf{y}}|^2 \leq \epsilon$

  • You know how much $|A\theta-{\bf{y}}|^2$ would be tolerable.

Other approaches:

  • Akaike’s information criterion: Balance model fit with complexity
  • Cross validation: Leave one out
  • Generalized cross-validation: Cross-validation + weight

LASSO Regression

  • An alternative to the Ridge Regression is Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO)

  • The loss function is

  • Intuition behind LASSO: Many features are not active.

Interpreting the LASSO Solution

  • $|\theta|_1$ promotes sparsity of $\theta$. It is the nearest convex approximation to $|\theta|_0$, which is the number of non-zero.

Why are Sparse Models Useful?

  • Images are sparse in transform domains, e.g., Fourier and wavelet.

  • Intuition: There are more low frequency components and less high frequency components

  • Examples above: $A$ is the wavelet basis matrix. $\theta$ are the wavelet coefficents.

  • We can truncate the wavelet coefficients and retain a good image.jpg

  • Many image comression schemes are based on this, JPEG, JPEG2000.

LASSO for Image Reconstruction

Image inpainting via KSVD dictionary-learning

  • $y=$ image with missing pixels. $A=$ a matrix storing a set of trained feature vectors (called dictionary atoms). $\theta=$ coefficients.

  • minimize $|{\bf{y}}-A\theta|^2+\lambda|\theta|_1$

  • KSVD = k-means + Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) : A method to train the feature vectors that demonstrate sparse representations.

Shrinkage Operator

The LASSO problem can be solved using a shrinkage operator. Consider a simplified problem (with $A=I$)

\[J(\theta)={1 \over 2} \|{\bf{y}}-\theta\|^2+\lambda\|\theta\|_1\] \[=\sum^d_{j=1} ({1 \over 2}(y_j-\theta_j)^2+\lambda\|\theta_j\|_1 )\]

Since the loss is separable, the optimization is solved when each individual term is minimized. The individual problem

\[\hat{\theta}=\text{argmin} \{ {1 \over 2}(y-\theta)^2+\lambda|\theta| \}\] \[=\text{max}(|y|-\lambda, 0)\text{sign}(y)\] \[=S_\lambda(y)\]

Shrinkage VS Hard Threshold

  • The shrinkage operator looks as follows.

  • Any number between $[-\lambda, \lambda]$ is “shrink” to zero.

  • Try compare with the hard threshold operator $H_\lambda(y)=y\cdot { |y|\geq \lambda }$


Algorithms to Solve LASSO Regression

In general, the LASSO problem requires iterative algorithms:

ISTA Algorithm (Daubechies et al. 2004)

  • For $k=1,2,…,$
  • $v^k=\theta^k-2\gamma A^\top(A\theta^k-{\bf{y}})$
  • $\theta^{k+1}=\text{max}(|v^k|-\lambda, 0)\text{sign}(v^k)$

FISTA Algorithm (Beck-Teboulle 2008)

  • For $k=1,2,…,$
  • $v^k=\theta^k-2\gamma A^\top(A\theta^k-{\bf{y}})$
  • $z^k=\text{max}(|v^k|-\lambda, 0)\text{sign}(v^k)$
  • $\theta^{k+1}=\alpha_k\theta^k+(1-\alpha_k)z^k$

ADMM Algorithm (Eckstein-Bertsekas 1992, Boyd et al. 2011)

  • For $k=1,2,…,$
  • $\theta^{k+1}=(A^\top A+\rho I)^{-1}(A^{\top}y+\rho z^k-u^k)$
  • $z^{k+1}=\text{max}(|\theta^{k+1}+u^k\rho|-\lambda / \rho, 0) \text{sign}(\theta^{k+1}+u^k/\rho)$
  • $u^{k+1}=u^k+\rho(\theta^{k+1}-z^{k+1})$

And many others.

Example: Crime Rate Data

city funding not-hs college college4 crime rate
1 40 74 11 20 478
2 32 72 11 18 494
3 57 70 18 16 643
4 31 71 11 19 341
5 67 72 9 24 773
50 66 67 26 16 940

Consider the following two optimizations

\[\hat{\theta}_1=\text{argmin}_\theta J_1(\theta)=\|A\theta-{\bf{y}}\|^2+\lambda \|\theta\|_1\] \[\hat{\theta}_2=\text{argmin}_\theta J_2(\theta)=\|A\theta-{\bf{y}}\|^2+\lambda \|\theta\|_2\]

Comparison between L-1 and L-2 norm

  • Plot $\hat{\theta}_1(\lambda)$ and $\hat{\theta}_2(\lambda)$ vs. $\lambda$.

  • LASSO tells us which factor appears first.
  • If we are allowed to use only one feature, then % high is the one.
  • Two features, then % high + funding.

Pros and Cons

Ridge regression

  • (+) Analytic solution, because the loss function is differentiable.
  • (+) As such, a lot of well-established theoretical gurantees.
  • (+) Algorithm is simple, just one equation.
  • (-) Limited interpretability, since the solution is usually a dense vector.
  • (-) Does not reflect the nature of certain problems, e.g., sparsity


  • (+) Proben applications in many domains, e.g., images and speechs.
  • (+) Echoes particularly well in modern deep learning where parameter space is huge.
  • (+) Increasing number of theoretical guarantees for special matrices.
  • (+) Algorithms are available.
  • (-) No closed-form solution. Algorithms are iterative.


Weight Decay

  • L2 Regularization (learning rate, gradient, gradient of l2-regularization)
\[\theta_{k+1}=\theta_k-\epsilon\nabla_\theta(\theta_k, x, y)-\lambda\theta_k\]
  • Penalizes large weights
  • Improves generalization

Early stopping

  • Easy form of regularization

Bagging and Ensemble Methods

  • Train multiple models and average their results.

  • E.g., use a different algorithm for optimization or change the objective function / loss function.

  • If errors are uncorrelated, the expected combined error will decrease linearly with the ensemble size.

  • Bagging: uses k different datasets.


  • Disable a random set of neurons (typically 50%)

  • Using half the network = half capacity
    1. Redundant representations
    2. Base your scores on more features
  • Consider it as a model ensemble.
  • Two models in one.
    1. Training a large ensemble of models, each on different set of data(mini-batch) and with SHARED parameters $\rightarrow$ Reducing co-adaption between neurons

Dropout: Test Time

  • All neurons are “turned on” - no dropout $\rightarrow$ Conditions at train and test time are not the same.

  • Test : $z=(\theta_1x_1+\theta_2 x_2) \cdot p$, p is a dropout probability
  • Train :
\[E(z)={1 \over 4}(\theta_10+\theta_20+\theta_1x_1+\theta_20+\theta_1 0+\theta_2 x_2+\theta_1x_1+\theta_2x_2)={1 \over 2}(\theta_1x_1+\theta_2x_2)\]

Dropout: Verdict

  • Efficient bagging method with parameter sharing

  • Try it!

  • Dropout reduces the effective capacity of a model $\rightarrow$ larger models, more training time.

Batch Normalization

  • Wish: Unit Gaussian activations (in our example)
  • Solution: let’s do it
\[\hat{x}^{k}={x^{k}-E[x^{k}]\over \sqrt{Var[x^{k}]}}\]
  • All we want is that our activations do not die out

  • In each dimension of the features, you have a unit gaussian (in our example)

  • For NN in general $\rightarrow$ BN normalizes the mean and variance of the inputs to your activation functions

  • A layer to be applied after Fully Conneted layers and before non-linear activation functions.

  1. Normalize
\[\hat{x}^{k}={x^{k}-E[x^{k}]\over \sqrt{Var[x^{k}]}}\]

The network can learn to undo the Normalization

\[r^{k}=\sqrt{Var[x^{(k)}]}\] \[\beta^{(k)}=E[x^{(k)}]\]
  1. Allow the network to change the range
  • OK to treat dimensions separately? Shown empirically that even if features are not correlated, convergence is still faster with this method

  • You can set all biases of the layers before BN to zero, because they will be cancelled out by BN anyway.

BN: Train vs Test

Training : Compute mean and variance from mini-batch 1,2,3…

Testing : Compute mean and variance by running an exponentially weighted averaged across training mini-batches. Use them as $\sigma^2{test}$ and $\mu{test}$

\[Var_{running}=\beta_{m}*Var_{running}+(1-\beta_m)*Var_{minibatch}\] \[\mu_{running}=\beta_{m}*\mu_{running} + (1-\beta_m)*\mu_{minimbatch}\]

$\beta_m$ : momentum (hyperparameter)

BN: What do you get?

  • Very deep nets are much easier to train $\rightarrow$ more stable gradients

  • A much larger range of hyperparameters works similariy when using BN

Other Normalizations

Data Augmentation

  • A classifier has to b einvariant to a wide variety of transformations

  • Helping the classifier: synthesize data simulating plausible transformations

Data Augmentation: Brightness

  • Random brightness and contrast changes

Data Augmentation: Random Crops

  • Training: random crops
    1. Pick a random L in [256, 480]
    2. Resize training image, short side L
    3. Randomly sample crops of 224x224
  • Testing: fixed set of crops
    1. Resize image at N scales
    2. 10 fixed crops of 224x224:(4corners + 1center) x 2 flips

Data Augmentation

  • When comparing two networks make sure to use the same data augmentation!

  • Consider data augmentation a part of your network design

Kernel Method

Why Another Method?

  • Linear regression: Pick a global model, best fit globally.
  • Kernel method: Pick a local model, best fit locally.
  • In kernel method, instead of picking a line / a quadratic equation, we pick a kernel.
  • A kernel is a measure of distance between training samples.
  • Kernel method buys us the ability to handle nonlinearity.
  • Ordinary regression is based on the columns (features) of A.
  • Kernel method is based on the rows (samples) of A.

Pictorial Illustration

  • goal : learn the surface
  • prediction : when new sample comes, interpolate on the surface

Overview of the Method

Model Parameter

  • We want the model parameter $\hat{\theta}$ to look like:
  • This model expresses $\hat{\theta}$ as a combination of the samples.
  • The trainable parameters are $\alpha_n$, where $n=1,…,N$.
  • If we can make $\alpha_n$ local, i.e., non-zero for only a few of them, then we can achieve our goal: localized, sample-dependent.

Predicted Value

  • The predicted value of a new sample $x$ is
\[\hat{y}=\hat{\theta}^\top x =\sum^N_{n=1}\alpha_n\langle x, x^n\rangle\]

Dual Form of Linear Regression

Goal : Address Question 1: Express $\hat{\theta}$ as


We start by listing out a technical lemma:


For any $A \in \mathbb{R}^{N\times d}$, $y\in \mathbb{R}^d$, and $\lambda > 0$

\[(A^{\top}A+\lambda I)^{-1}A^{\top}y=A^\top(AA^{\top}+\lambda I)^{-1}y\]


  • The dimensions of $I$ on the left is $d \times d$, on the right is $N \times N$.
  • If $\lambda=0$, then the above is true only when $A$ is invertible.

Dual Form of Linear Regression

  • Using the Lemma, we can show that

Primal Form

\[\hat{\theta}=(A^\top A+\lambda I)^{-1}A^{\top}y\]

Dual Form

\[\hat{\theta}=A^{\top}(AA^{\top}+\lambda I)^{-1}y\]

The solution to the dual problem provides a lower bound to the solution of the primal problem.

\[=\begin{bmatrix} -(x^1)^{\top}- \\ -(x^2)^{\top}- \\ ... \\ -(x^N)^{\top}-\end{bmatrix}^{\top} \begin{bmatrix} \alpha_1 \\ ... \\ \alpha_N \end{bmatrix}=\sum^N_{n=1}\alpha_nx^n\] \[\alpha_n=[(AA^\top+\lambda I)^{-1}y]\]

The Kernel Trick

Goal: Addresses Question 2: Introduce nonlinearity to

\[\hat{y}=\hat{\theta}^\top x = \sum^N_{n=1}\alpha\langle x, x^n\rangle\]

The Idea:

  • Replace the inner product $\langle x, x^n \rangle$ by $k(x, x^n)$:
\[\hat{y}=\hat{\theta}^\top x=\sum^N_{n=1}\alpha_n k(x, x^n)\]
  • $k(\cdot, \cdot)$ is called a kernel.
  • A kernel is a measure of the distance between two samples $x^i$ and $x^j$.
  • $\langle x^i, x^j \rangle$ measure distance in the ambient space, $k(x^i, x^j)$ measure distance in a transformed space.
  • In particular, a valid kernel takes the from $k(x^i, x^j)=\langle \phi(x^i), \phi(x^j) \rangle$ for some nonlinear transforms $\phi$.

Kernels Illustrated

  • A kernel typically lifts the ambient dimension to a higher one.
  • For example, mapping from $\mathbb{R}^2$ to $\mathbb{R}^3$
\[x^n=\begin{bmatrix}x_1\\x_2\end{bmatrix}\] \[\phi(x_n)=\begin{bmatrix}x^2_1 \\ x_1x_2 \\ x^2_2 \end{bmatrix}\]

Relationship between Kernel and Transform

Consider the following kernel $k(u,v)=(u^\top v)^2$. What is the transform?

  • Suppose $u$ and $v$ are in $\mathbb{R}^2$. Then $(u^\top v)^2 $ is
\[(u^\top v)^2=(\sum^2_{i=1}u_iv_i)(\sum^2_{j=1}u_jv_j)\] \[=\sum^2_{i=1}\sum^2_{j=1}(u_iu_j)(v_iv_j)=\begin{bmatrix}u^2_1 & u_1u_2 & u_2u_1 & u^2_2\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}v^2_1 \\ v_1v_2 \\ v_2v_1 \\ v^2_2\end{bmatrix}\]
  • So if we define $\phi$ as
\[u=\begin{bmatrix}u_1 \\ u_2 \end{bmatrix}\] \[\phi(u)=\begin{bmatrix}u^2_1 \\ u_1u_2 \\ u_2u_1 \\ u^2_2 \end{bmatrix}\]

then $(u^\top v)^2=\langle \phi(u),\phi(v) \rangle$

Radial Basis Function

A useful kernel is the radial basis kernel(RBF):

\[k(u,v)=\text{exp}\{-{\|u-v\|^2\over 2\sigma^2}\}\]
  • The corresponding nonlinear transform of RBF is infinite dimensional. See Apendix.

  • $|u-v|^2$ measures the distance between two data points $u$ and $v$.

  • $\sigma$ is the std dev, defining “far and close”

  • RBF enforces local structure; Only a few samples aure used.

Kernel Method

Given the choice of the kernel function, we can write down the algorithm as follows.

  • Pick a kernel function $k(\cdot, \cdot).$

  • Construct a kernel matrix $K \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times N}$, where $[K]_{ij}=k(x_i, x_j)$ for $i=1,…,N$, $j=1,…,N$

  • Compute the coefficients $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}$, with

\[\alpha_n=[(K+\lambda I)^{-1}y]_n\]
  • Estimate the predicted value for a new sample $x$:

Therefore, the coice of the regression is shifted to the choice of the kernel.


Goal: Use the kernel method to fit the data points shown as follows.

  • What is the input feature vector $x^n$? $x^n=t_n$: The time stamps
  • What is the output $y_n$? $y^n$ is the height.
  • Which kernel to choose? Let us consider RBF.

Example (using RBF)

  • Define the fitted function as $g_\theta(t)$. [Here, $\theta$ refers to $\alpha$.]
  • The RBF is defined as $k(t_i, t_j)=\text{exp}{-(t_i-t_j)^2/2\sigma^2}$, for some $\alpha$.
  • The matrix $K$ looks something below
  • $K$ is a banded diagonal matrix.
  • The coefficient vector is $\alpha_n=[(K+\lambda I)^{-1}y]_n$
  • Using the RBF, the predicted value is given by
\[g_\theta(t^{new})=\sum^N_{n=1}\alpha_nk(t^{new}, t_n)=\sum^{N}_{n=1}\alpha_n e^{-(t^{new}-t_n)^2\over 2\sigma^2}\]
  • Pictorially, the predicted function $g_\theta$ can be viewed as the linear combination of the Gaussian kernels.

Effect of $\sigma$

  • Large $\sigma$: Flat kernel. Over-smoothing
  • Small $\sigma$: Narrow kernel. Under-smoothing
  • Below shows an example of the fitting and the kernel matrix $K$.

Any Improvement?

  • We can improve the above kernel by considering $x^n=[y_n, t_n]^\top$
  • Define the kernel as
\[k(x_i, x_j)=\exp\{-({(y_i-y_j)^2\over2\sigma^2_r}+{(t_i-t_j)^2\over2\sigma^2_s}) \}\]
  • This new kernel is adaptive (edge-aware).
  • This idea is known as bilateral filter in the computer vision literature.
  • Can be further extended to 2D image where $x^n=[y_n, s_n]$, for some spatial coordinate $s_n$.

Kernel Methods in Classification

  • The concept of lifting the data to higher dimension is useful for classification.

Kernels in Support Vector Machines

Example. RBF for SVM

  • Radial Basis Function is often used in support vector machine.
  • Poor choice of parameter can lead to low training loss, but with the risk of over-fit.
  • Under-fitted data can sometimes give better generalization.