머신러닝 수업 2주차
Ridge Regularization
- Applies to both over and under determined systems.
- The loss function of the ridge regression is defined as the loss function
- $|\theta|^2$ : Regularization function
- $\lambda$ : Regularization parameter
- The solution of the ridge regression is
which gives us $\hat{\theta}=(A^{\top}A+\lambda I)^{-1}A^{\top}{\bf{y}}$
Change in Eigen-values
Ridge regression improves the eigen-Values
- Eigen-decomposition of $A^{\top}A$:
where $U=$ eigen-value matrix, $S=$ eigen-value matrix.
$S$ is a diagonal matrix with non-negative entries:
Therefore, $S+\lambda I$ is always positive for any $\lambda > 0$, implying that
- If $\lambda \rightarrow 0$, then $\hat{\theta}=(A^{\top}A)^{-1}A^{\top}{\bf{y}}$
- If $\lambda \rightarrow \infty$,
- There is a trade-off curve between the two terms by varying $\lambda$.
Comparing Vanilla and Ridge
Suppose ${\bf{y}}=A\theta^* + {\bf{e}}$ for some ground truth $\theta^*$ and noise vector ${\bf{e}}$. Then, the vanilla linear regression will give us
\[\hat{\theta}=(A^\top A)^{-1}A^\top {\bf{y}}\] \[=(A^\top A)^{-1}A^\top (A\theta^*+{\bf{e}})\] \[=\theta^*+(A^\top A)^{-1}A^{\top}{\bf{e}}\]If ${\bf{e}}$ has zero mean and varianze $\sigma^2$, we can show that
\[\mathbb{E}[\hat{\theta}]=\theta^*\] \[\text{Cov}[\hat{\theta}]=\sigma^2(A^\top A)^{-1}\]Therefore, the regression coefficients are unbiased but have large variance. We can further show that the mean-squred error(MSE) is
\[\text{MSE}(\hat{\theta})=\sigma^2\text{Tr}\{ (A^\top A)^{-1} \}.\]On the other hand, if we use ridge regression, then
\[\hat{\theta}(\lambda)=(A^\top A + \lambda I)^{-1}A^\top (A\theta^*+{\bf{e}})\] \[=(A^\top A + \lambda I)^{-1}A^{\top}A\theta^*+(A^\top A + \lambda I)^{-1}A^\top{\bf{e}}\]Again, if ${\bf{e}}$ is zero mean and has a variance $\sigma^2$, then
\[\mathbb{E}[\hat{\theta}(\lambda)]=(A^\top A+\lambda I )^{-1}A^\top \theta^*\] \[\text{Cov}[\hat{\theta}(\lambda)]=\sigma^2(A^\top A + \lambda I)^{-1}A^\top A(A^\top A+\lambda I)^{-\top}\] \[\text{MSE}[\hat{\theta}(\lambda)]=\sigma^2\text{Tr}\{ W_\lambda(A^\top A)^{-1}W^\top_\lambda \}+\theta^{*\top}(W_\lambda - I)^\top(W_\lambda -I)\theta^*\]where $W_\lambda=(A^\top A + \lambda I)^{-1}A^\top A$. In particular, we show that
Theorem(Theobald 1974)
For $\lambda < 2\sigma^2|\theta^*|^{-2}$, it holds that $\text{MSE}(\hat{\theta}(\lambda)) < \text{MSE}(\hat{\theta})$
Choosing $\lambda$
Because the following three problems are equivalent
\[\theta^{*}_\lambda=\text{argmin}_\theta\|A\theta-{\bf{y}}\|^2+\lambda\|\theta\|^2\]subject to $|\theta|^2\leq\alpha$
\[\theta^{*}_\alpha=\text{argmin}_\theta\|A\theta-{\bf{y}}\|^2\]subject to $|A\theta-{\bf{y}}|^2 \leq \epsilon$
We can seek $\lambda$ that satisfies $|\theta|^2 \leq \alpha$ :
- You know how much $|\theta|^2$ would be appropriate.
We can seek $\lambda$ that satisfies $|A\theta -{\bf{y}}|^2 \leq \epsilon$
- You know how much $|A\theta-{\bf{y}}|^2$ would be tolerable.
Other approaches:
- Akaike’s information criterion: Balance model fit with complexity
- Cross validation: Leave one out
- Generalized cross-validation: Cross-validation + weight
LASSO Regression
An alternative to the Ridge Regression is Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO)
The loss function is
- Intuition behind LASSO: Many features are not active.
Interpreting the LASSO Solution
\[\hat{\theta}=\text{argmin}_\theta\|A\theta-{\bf{y}}\|^2+\lambda\|\theta\|_1\]- $|\theta|_1$ promotes sparsity of $\theta$. It is the nearest convex approximation to $|\theta|_0$, which is the number of non-zero.
Why are Sparse Models Useful?
Images are sparse in transform domains, e.g., Fourier and wavelet.
Intuition: There are more low frequency components and less high frequency components
Examples above: $A$ is the wavelet basis matrix. $\theta$ are the wavelet coefficents.
We can truncate the wavelet coefficients and retain a good image.jpg
Many image comression schemes are based on this, JPEG, JPEG2000.
LASSO for Image Reconstruction
Image inpainting via KSVD dictionary-learning
$y=$ image with missing pixels. $A=$ a matrix storing a set of trained feature vectors (called dictionary atoms). $\theta=$ coefficients.
minimize $|{\bf{y}}-A\theta|^2+\lambda|\theta|_1$
KSVD = k-means + Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) : A method to train the feature vectors that demonstrate sparse representations.
Shrinkage Operator
The LASSO problem can be solved using a shrinkage operator. Consider a simplified problem (with $A=I$)
\[J(\theta)={1 \over 2} \|{\bf{y}}-\theta\|^2+\lambda\|\theta\|_1\] \[=\sum^d_{j=1} ({1 \over 2}(y_j-\theta_j)^2+\lambda\|\theta_j\|_1 )\]Since the loss is separable, the optimization is solved when each individual term is minimized. The individual problem
\[\hat{\theta}=\text{argmin} \{ {1 \over 2}(y-\theta)^2+\lambda|\theta| \}\] \[=\text{max}(|y|-\lambda, 0)\text{sign}(y)\] \[=S_\lambda(y)\]Shrinkage VS Hard Threshold
The shrinkage operator looks as follows.
Any number between $[-\lambda, \lambda]$ is “shrink” to zero.
Try compare with the hard threshold operator $H_\lambda(y)=y\cdot { |y|\geq \lambda }$
Algorithms to Solve LASSO Regression
In general, the LASSO problem requires iterative algorithms:
ISTA Algorithm (Daubechies et al. 2004)
- For $k=1,2,…,$
- $v^k=\theta^k-2\gamma A^\top(A\theta^k-{\bf{y}})$
- $\theta^{k+1}=\text{max}(|v^k|-\lambda, 0)\text{sign}(v^k)$
FISTA Algorithm (Beck-Teboulle 2008)
- For $k=1,2,…,$
- $v^k=\theta^k-2\gamma A^\top(A\theta^k-{\bf{y}})$
- $z^k=\text{max}(|v^k|-\lambda, 0)\text{sign}(v^k)$
- $\theta^{k+1}=\alpha_k\theta^k+(1-\alpha_k)z^k$
ADMM Algorithm (Eckstein-Bertsekas 1992, Boyd et al. 2011)
- For $k=1,2,…,$
- $\theta^{k+1}=(A^\top A+\rho I)^{-1}(A^{\top}y+\rho z^k-u^k)$
- $z^{k+1}=\text{max}(|\theta^{k+1}+u^k\rho|-\lambda / \rho, 0) \text{sign}(\theta^{k+1}+u^k/\rho)$
- $u^{k+1}=u^k+\rho(\theta^{k+1}-z^{k+1})$
And many others.
Example: Crime Rate Data
city | funding | not-hs | college | college4 | crime rate |
1 | 40 | 74 | 11 | 20 | 478 |
2 | 32 | 72 | 11 | 18 | 494 |
3 | 57 | 70 | 18 | 16 | 643 |
4 | 31 | 71 | 11 | 19 | 341 |
5 | 67 | 72 | 9 | 24 | 773 |
… | … | … | … | … | |
50 | 66 | 67 | 26 | 16 | 940 |
Consider the following two optimizations
\[\hat{\theta}_1=\text{argmin}_\theta J_1(\theta)=\|A\theta-{\bf{y}}\|^2+\lambda \|\theta\|_1\] \[\hat{\theta}_2=\text{argmin}_\theta J_2(\theta)=\|A\theta-{\bf{y}}\|^2+\lambda \|\theta\|_2\]Comparison between L-1 and L-2 norm
Plot $\hat{\theta}_1(\lambda)$ and $\hat{\theta}_2(\lambda)$ vs. $\lambda$.
- LASSO tells us which factor appears first.
- If we are allowed to use only one feature, then % high is the one.
- Two features, then % high + funding.
Pros and Cons
Ridge regression
- (+) Analytic solution, because the loss function is differentiable.
- (+) As such, a lot of well-established theoretical gurantees.
- (+) Algorithm is simple, just one equation.
- (-) Limited interpretability, since the solution is usually a dense vector.
- (-) Does not reflect the nature of certain problems, e.g., sparsity
- (+) Proben applications in many domains, e.g., images and speechs.
- (+) Echoes particularly well in modern deep learning where parameter space is huge.
- (+) Increasing number of theoretical guarantees for special matrices.
- (+) Algorithms are available.
- (-) No closed-form solution. Algorithms are iterative.
Weight Decay
- L2 Regularization (learning rate, gradient, gradient of l2-regularization)
- Penalizes large weights
- Improves generalization
Early stopping
- Easy form of regularization
Bagging and Ensemble Methods
Train multiple models and average their results.
E.g., use a different algorithm for optimization or change the objective function / loss function.
If errors are uncorrelated, the expected combined error will decrease linearly with the ensemble size.
Bagging: uses k different datasets.
Disable a random set of neurons (typically 50%)
- Using half the network = half capacity
- Redundant representations
- Base your scores on more features
- Consider it as a model ensemble.
- Two models in one.
- Training a large ensemble of models, each on different set of data(mini-batch) and with SHARED parameters $\rightarrow$ Reducing co-adaption between neurons
Dropout: Test Time
All neurons are “turned on” - no dropout $\rightarrow$ Conditions at train and test time are not the same.
- Test : $z=(\theta_1x_1+\theta_2 x_2) \cdot p$, p is a dropout probability
- Train :
Dropout: Verdict
Efficient bagging method with parameter sharing
Try it!
Dropout reduces the effective capacity of a model $\rightarrow$ larger models, more training time.
Batch Normalization
- Wish: Unit Gaussian activations (in our example)
- Solution: let’s do it
All we want is that our activations do not die out
In each dimension of the features, you have a unit gaussian (in our example)
For NN in general $\rightarrow$ BN normalizes the mean and variance of the inputs to your activation functions
A layer to be applied after Fully Conneted layers and before non-linear activation functions.
- Normalize
The network can learn to undo the Normalization
\[r^{k}=\sqrt{Var[x^{(k)}]}\] \[\beta^{(k)}=E[x^{(k)}]\]- Allow the network to change the range
OK to treat dimensions separately? Shown empirically that even if features are not correlated, convergence is still faster with this method
You can set all biases of the layers before BN to zero, because they will be cancelled out by BN anyway.
BN: Train vs Test
Training : Compute mean and variance from mini-batch 1,2,3…
Testing : Compute mean and variance by running an exponentially weighted averaged across training mini-batches. Use them as $\sigma^2{test}$ and $\mu{test}$
\[Var_{running}=\beta_{m}*Var_{running}+(1-\beta_m)*Var_{minibatch}\] \[\mu_{running}=\beta_{m}*\mu_{running} + (1-\beta_m)*\mu_{minimbatch}\]$\beta_m$ : momentum (hyperparameter)
BN: What do you get?
Very deep nets are much easier to train $\rightarrow$ more stable gradients
A much larger range of hyperparameters works similariy when using BN
Other Normalizations
Data Augmentation
A classifier has to b einvariant to a wide variety of transformations
Helping the classifier: synthesize data simulating plausible transformations
Data Augmentation: Brightness
- Random brightness and contrast changes
Data Augmentation: Random Crops
- Training: random crops
- Pick a random L in [256, 480]
- Resize training image, short side L
- Randomly sample crops of 224x224
- Testing: fixed set of crops
- Resize image at N scales
- 10 fixed crops of 224x224:(4corners + 1center) x 2 flips
Data Augmentation
When comparing two networks make sure to use the same data augmentation!
Consider data augmentation a part of your network design
Kernel Method
Why Another Method?
- Linear regression: Pick a global model, best fit globally.
- Kernel method: Pick a local model, best fit locally.
- In kernel method, instead of picking a line / a quadratic equation, we pick a kernel.
- A kernel is a measure of distance between training samples.
- Kernel method buys us the ability to handle nonlinearity.
- Ordinary regression is based on the columns (features) of A.
- Kernel method is based on the rows (samples) of A.
Pictorial Illustration
- goal : learn the surface
- prediction : when new sample comes, interpolate on the surface
Overview of the Method
Model Parameter
- We want the model parameter $\hat{\theta}$ to look like:
- This model expresses $\hat{\theta}$ as a combination of the samples.
- The trainable parameters are $\alpha_n$, where $n=1,…,N$.
- If we can make $\alpha_n$ local, i.e., non-zero for only a few of them, then we can achieve our goal: localized, sample-dependent.
Predicted Value
- The predicted value of a new sample $x$ is
Dual Form of Linear Regression
Goal : Address Question 1: Express $\hat{\theta}$ as
\[\hat{\theta}=\sum^N_{n=1}\alpha_nx^n\]We start by listing out a technical lemma:
For any $A \in \mathbb{R}^{N\times d}$, $y\in \mathbb{R}^d$, and $\lambda > 0$
\[(A^{\top}A+\lambda I)^{-1}A^{\top}y=A^\top(AA^{\top}+\lambda I)^{-1}y\]Remark:
- The dimensions of $I$ on the left is $d \times d$, on the right is $N \times N$.
- If $\lambda=0$, then the above is true only when $A$ is invertible.
Dual Form of Linear Regression
- Using the Lemma, we can show that
Primal Form
\[\hat{\theta}=(A^\top A+\lambda I)^{-1}A^{\top}y\]Dual Form
\[\hat{\theta}=A^{\top}(AA^{\top}+\lambda I)^{-1}y\]The solution to the dual problem provides a lower bound to the solution of the primal problem.
\[=\begin{bmatrix} -(x^1)^{\top}- \\ -(x^2)^{\top}- \\ ... \\ -(x^N)^{\top}-\end{bmatrix}^{\top} \begin{bmatrix} \alpha_1 \\ ... \\ \alpha_N \end{bmatrix}=\sum^N_{n=1}\alpha_nx^n\] \[\alpha_n=[(AA^\top+\lambda I)^{-1}y]\]The Kernel Trick
Goal: Addresses Question 2: Introduce nonlinearity to
\[\hat{y}=\hat{\theta}^\top x = \sum^N_{n=1}\alpha\langle x, x^n\rangle\]The Idea:
- Replace the inner product $\langle x, x^n \rangle$ by $k(x, x^n)$:
- $k(\cdot, \cdot)$ is called a kernel.
- A kernel is a measure of the distance between two samples $x^i$ and $x^j$.
- $\langle x^i, x^j \rangle$ measure distance in the ambient space, $k(x^i, x^j)$ measure distance in a transformed space.
- In particular, a valid kernel takes the from $k(x^i, x^j)=\langle \phi(x^i), \phi(x^j) \rangle$ for some nonlinear transforms $\phi$.
Kernels Illustrated
- A kernel typically lifts the ambient dimension to a higher one.
- For example, mapping from $\mathbb{R}^2$ to $\mathbb{R}^3$
Relationship between Kernel and Transform
Consider the following kernel $k(u,v)=(u^\top v)^2$. What is the transform?
- Suppose $u$ and $v$ are in $\mathbb{R}^2$. Then $(u^\top v)^2 $ is
- So if we define $\phi$ as
then $(u^\top v)^2=\langle \phi(u),\phi(v) \rangle$
Radial Basis Function
A useful kernel is the radial basis kernel(RBF):
\[k(u,v)=\text{exp}\{-{\|u-v\|^2\over 2\sigma^2}\}\]-
The corresponding nonlinear transform of RBF is infinite dimensional. See Apendix.
$|u-v|^2$ measures the distance between two data points $u$ and $v$.
$\sigma$ is the std dev, defining “far and close”
RBF enforces local structure; Only a few samples aure used.
Kernel Method
Given the choice of the kernel function, we can write down the algorithm as follows.
Pick a kernel function $k(\cdot, \cdot).$
Construct a kernel matrix $K \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times N}$, where $[K]_{ij}=k(x_i, x_j)$ for $i=1,…,N$, $j=1,…,N$
Compute the coefficients $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}$, with
- Estimate the predicted value for a new sample $x$:
Therefore, the coice of the regression is shifted to the choice of the kernel.
Goal: Use the kernel method to fit the data points shown as follows.
- What is the input feature vector $x^n$? $x^n=t_n$: The time stamps
- What is the output $y_n$? $y^n$ is the height.
- Which kernel to choose? Let us consider RBF.
Example (using RBF)
- Define the fitted function as $g_\theta(t)$. [Here, $\theta$ refers to $\alpha$.]
- The RBF is defined as $k(t_i, t_j)=\text{exp}{-(t_i-t_j)^2/2\sigma^2}$, for some $\alpha$.
- The matrix $K$ looks something below
- $K$ is a banded diagonal matrix.
- The coefficient vector is $\alpha_n=[(K+\lambda I)^{-1}y]_n$
- Using the RBF, the predicted value is given by
- Pictorially, the predicted function $g_\theta$ can be viewed as the linear combination of the Gaussian kernels.
Effect of $\sigma$
- Large $\sigma$: Flat kernel. Over-smoothing
- Small $\sigma$: Narrow kernel. Under-smoothing
- Below shows an example of the fitting and the kernel matrix $K$.
Any Improvement?
- We can improve the above kernel by considering $x^n=[y_n, t_n]^\top$
- Define the kernel as
- This new kernel is adaptive (edge-aware).
- This idea is known as bilateral filter in the computer vision literature.
- Can be further extended to 2D image where $x^n=[y_n, s_n]$, for some spatial coordinate $s_n$.
Kernel Methods in Classification
- The concept of lifting the data to higher dimension is useful for classification.
Kernels in Support Vector Machines
Example. RBF for SVM
- Radial Basis Function is often used in support vector machine.
- Poor choice of parameter can lead to low training loss, but with the risk of over-fit.
- Under-fitted data can sometimes give better generalization.